12th Graduation Day Report
Srinivasan College of Arts and Science has recently conducted its 12th Graduation Day on 7th August 2021 at College Premises. The whole ceremony was conducted by abiding SOP of Covid 19. Shri.A.Srinivasan – Chancellor of Dhanalakshmi Sinivasan University and Founder – Chairman of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Group of Institutions presided over the Graduation Ceremony. Dr.M.Selvam, Vice Chancellor of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli was the Chief Guest of the day. He has conferred the degrees to the graduands and delivered the Graduation Day Address. Thiru.P.Neelraj, Secretary of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Group of Institutions graced the occasion. Dr.N.Vetrivelan, Principal of Srinivasan College of Arts and Science welcomed the gathering and presented the Annual Report.
The Principal of the College has brought the activities of the College to the lime light in his Annual Report. He has proudly mentioned that 11 students have been bagged University Ranks. Out of 11, One is University Gold Medal which has been acquired by G.Arunkumar, B.Sc., Hotel Management and Catering Science. He has also emphasized that all the departments have got permanent affiliations from the varsity, SCAS is the only self financing institutions offering B.Sc.,Forensic Science and B.B.A Aviation Management. The principal also highlighted the activities of Alumni Association, Department Activities during lock down. He told that more than 25 national and international conferences have been conducted by the departments to enhance the teaching and learning process and elevate research aspects.
The Chief Guest, Dr.M.Selvam, Vice Chancellor of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli in his Graduation Day Address, he has explored that the motto of the institution is ‘Quality Education for the Under-privileged’, is loaded with a great deal of institutional social/community responsibility, given the rural scenario and rain-fed agriculture back-ground. He has encouraged the students by giving an example from Swami Vivekanada and Thirukural. He has stated that Swami Vivekananda said, Education must be character building and man-making. Your Character and made-up must reflect the below.
Your Character expressed in terms of: அன்புடைமை, அடக்கமுடைமை, அருளுடைமை, அறிவுடைமை, அழுக்காறாமை, அவையஞ்சாமை, ஆள்வினையுடைமை, இறைமை, ஊக்கமுடைமை, ஒழுக்கமுடைமை, சான்றாண்மை, பண்புடைமை, பொச்சாவாமை, பொறையுடைமை, நடுவுநிலைமை, வாய்மை, வினைத்தூய்மை, etc must be exemplary. He has advised the graduands to enhance the Communication skills exhibited in terms of Vocabulary Variety, Grammatical Aptness, Tense Sense, Quotable Quotes, Articulation-Accuracy, Quantics-Equations, Greeks-Latins, Pitch-Modulation, Spontaneity-Spirituality, etc must be erudite and enchanting. And to develop creativity quotient conveyed through Originality, Out-of-Box Thinking, Ideational Fluency, Details-Minuteness, Synthesis-Analysis, Relating-the-Unrelated, Numerical Sense, Artistic taste, Aesthetic delights, Niche-Nuance, etc makes you noted and remembered for long.
More than 700 graduands received their degrees. Prof.G.Ravi, Vice-Principal, HoDs of various departments, principals and vice principals of group of institutions and parents were also present.